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FÜR 2025

How to learn new vocab?

How do you memorize new words?

You write them multiple types?

You create your own flash cards?

You make a mind map with all words that belong to a certain topic?

You draw pictures?

You visualize and create stories around a certain set of vocab?

You use memo-techniques?

You put etiquettes around your house?

You study bilingual lists?

Depending on the Type of Vocab

There are thousands of methods and there are also different types of words to learn. So, I don't think that there is only one single method good for all types of new words.

Today, I want to show you how to use Quizlet - a free platform on which you can practice your own word lists. Not as other learning apps where you have pre-selected words that you might never use in life. Here you have full control of what you want to learn and get to choose from 6 different learning modes.

When to use Quizlet?

The platform is good when you want to drill and practice vocab on your own.

It is useful when you are trying to remember:


For all functions, I recommend to register free on the website and choose carefully the lists of vocab you want to learn. Here you can see which lists are created by teachers (less probable to contain mistakes compared to other learners' lists). You can edit the lists and use all learning modes and games.

The app has only restricted numbers of exercises and is good to use offline on the go when you are repeating old vocab or if you are just happy to learn with flashcards.

How to study with Quizzlet?

Watch this video to learn how to:

  • search through, learn and customize existing lists (from teachers or other students) - [1:48 Min - 5:30 Min]

  • use all functions on online - [ab 7:20 Min]

  • print and learn vocabulary offline - [6:20 Min - 7:00 Min]

  • learn with ready lists

  • create your own learning sets

Save time + Join my free class with pre-selected lists

Use this link to sign up for free and see all vocab lists that I recommend for my students:

Let me know if you like Quizlet and what other vocab methods you love to use.

Bis bald,


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