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FÜR 2024

Carnival : 11 Interesting Facts about the German Karneval / Fasching

Do you want to know the most important facts about the German carnival. Here are 11 interesting ones: 1. When exactly does the Karneval start?

2. Why do Germans call “Karneval” the Fifth Season?

3. Karneval, Fasching, Fastnacht: What is the difference? 4. What happens on Thursday, the so called “Weiberfastnacht”? 5. Why do women cut men's ties?

6. What is the difference between the Rheinischen Fasching and theSchwäbische Fastnacht? 7. Alaaf or Helau: How do people greet each other on the streets during carnival? 8. On which day is the biggest party? 9. What's the symbol of "Aschermittwoch" (Ash Wednesday)? 10. What do you do after the Carnival? 11. Which sweets do you eat during Carneval? And how to make them at home? All these questions will be anwered today by our guest author Meredith.

Meredith is a coffee and cake-loving Canadian living in southern Germany. She writes about everyday life as an expat in Germany and shares her passion for travel on her blog Kaffee und Kuchen. Here, you can read the full article with beautiful photos and personal experiences. Dilyana

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